National law – SP – The Spanish Legal System – chapter 3
There are different types of labour contracts in Spain, divided depending on different aspects: regarding the duration of the contract, we can find indefinite contract and contracts for a defined time period; regarding the hours worked per day, we find full-time contracts and part-time contracts. However, inside these “big” types we can find multitude of contracts in Spain.
Indefinite contract
Contract established with no limits of duration of the job performance. Indefinite contracts can be full time, part time, or for the offer discontinued services. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Defined time period contract
Contract in which it is stablished a labour relationship for a determined time, either full time or part time. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Training agreement
Type of contract destined to improve the professional qualification of the youth. In this type of contract the student has a retributive labour experience in a company at the same time as an educational experience (VET, education…). (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Type of contract that looks to provide a student with the adequate professional formation to the education owned. It is not only related to acquiring experience, but to acquire experience related to the cursed studies. It is a type of contract reserved to owners of University degree titles, of VET titles. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Part-time contract
Contract in which the worker and company have agreed a number of hours worked that is inferior to the ones of a full-time worker on a comparable position. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Group contract
Type of contract between the employer and the chief of a group of workers (group chief) in which the employer does not have any rights or responsibilities towards the members of the group individually, only against the group chief. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Distance job contract
Contract in which the majority of the job is done in the employee’s home or a place selected by the employee, instead of the company’s centre of work or offices. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
There are different types of labour contracts in Spain, divided depending on different aspects: regarding the duration of the contract, we can find indefinite contract and contracts for a defined time period; regarding the hours worked per day, we find full-time contracts and part-time contracts. However, inside these “big” types we can find multitude of contracts in Spain.
Indefinite contract
Contract established with no limits of duration of the job performance. Indefinite contracts can be full time, part time, or for the offer discontinued services. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Defined time period contract
Contract in which it is stablished a labour relationship for a determined time, either full time or part time. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Training agreement
Type of contract destined to improve the professional qualification of the youth. In this type of contract the student has a retributive labour experience in a company at the same time as an educational experience (VET, education…). (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Type of contract that looks to provide a student with the adequate professional formation to the education owned. It is not only related to acquiring experience, but to acquire experience related to the cursed studies. It is a type of contract reserved to owners of University degree titles, of VET titles. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Part-time contract
Contract in which the worker and company have agreed a number of hours worked that is inferior to the ones of a full-time worker on a comparable position. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Group contract
Type of contract between the employer and the chief of a group of workers (group chief) in which the employer does not have any rights or responsibilities towards the members of the group individually, only against the group chief. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)
Distance job contract
Contract in which the majority of the job is done in the employee’s home or a place selected by the employee, instead of the company’s centre of work or offices. (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social)